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About the creator
Master's in Human Resource Management
Graduated in E-Business
UGC NET Qualified
'O' Level Certified
10+ Years of experience in different Domain
Co-founder of Dentoryx & Bepractical
AI Powered Comprehensive Courses
"Empower your mind with AI-driven mastery 🚀."
Spoken Hindi Language
"Unlock the world of knowledge in spoken Hindi 🗣️📚"
Interactive Learning Experience
Embark on an engaging educational journey with our Interactive Learning Experience! 🎓✨
Flexible Learning Options
"Explore education on your terms with Flexible Learning Options 📚✨"
Practical Skills Application
"Turning knowledge into action: Where theory meets practice 🛠️."
Supportive Community
"Empowering connections and fostering growth together 🤝💖"
Friendly Style- Not in a boring way
"Radiating warmth and charm, our Friendly Style adds a delightful twist to the ordinary! 😊✨"
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